Thanks for attending the Port of Spain book launch: Productivity – A Unique Challenge for T&T
As we mentioned at the event, I have put together a complimentary recording for you to download to your smartphone, mp3 player, or just to listen here. It lasts about 25 minutes in length and it covers 4 articles addressing time-based productivity topics related to strategic planning, executive time stress and workforce motivation.
It’s the perfect companion when you are stuck, alone in your car in traffic!
You can download a copy of the recording here for your own listening e.g. smartphone, iPad etc. (Just right-click and select “save as” or “save link as”).
Please feel free to share this page, or recording with your colleagues. If you’d like to be advised on a regular basis when I have published new columns, just complete the form below and click the red button marked “Yes, I’d like a copy.” Alternately, you can visit and sign up for updates of the onepagedigest. (Or, here’s another shortcut – You can also just send email to [email protected], wait a few minutes for the confirmation email and click on the enclosed link.)
P.S. Should I make this a podcast a regular offering? The fact is, I record ALL my columns so this wouldn’t be hard to do. If you’d like me to make and freely disburse more recordings like this in the future, make sure you have signed up to receive updates by filling in the form below. Also, you may send me your vote directly by sending me a direct message via with one phrase: “Yes, I want more recordings to listen to in my car/office/ home/iPad”